I've seen several casinos in the world and I observed the status of the communities in these countries. Whenever you see a casino you will see a depression in the city.
Even in the most liberal cities in the world like the US they don't issue licenses to open casinos in many of their states. You see people from all races and religions standing against opening casinos in their neighbourhoods because of what it brings to their communities of bad group of unwanted people, and behaviors.
Old people standing behind slot machines will not bring more tourists and will not solve our economical problems. When you see a Casino you will notice an expression of depression in an isolated trashy communities with no morals.
Will Jordan become one?
But in a religious conuntry like Jordan why we don't see people's voice standing against not only proposing one but even thinking about it?
AMMAN (JT) - MP Khalil Atiyyeh has asked the Lower House to investigate reports
of a former minister’s alleged involvement in a dubious deal to license a casino
on the shores of the Dead Sea.
Atiyyeh, who heads the House Financial
Committee, said the concerned official must be held accountable for his actions,
which could have cost the government a staggering $1 billion.
reports surfaced in the print and electronic media this week about a decision by
Prime Minister Nader Dahabi’s government to annul an agreement with an Iraqi
investor to build a casino in the Dead Sea area. The government is yet to
publicly react to the reports.
Officials had to resort to local and foreign
experts to find loopholes in the agreement in order to terminate it without
having to pay the investor a fine worth more than $1 billion.
The envisaged
casino was supposed to be built as part of a tourism megaproject that included
the establishment of a five-star hotel in the area. A former tourism
minister had reportedly obtained approval from the Cabinet to issue the licence,
without going through the required legal procedures. With the Parliament in
recess, the Lower House will not be able to look into Atiyyeh’s request until
the next ordinary session, scheduled for either November or December.
I'm in total shock!!!..what are they doing to our beloved country??...We are moving too fast to make up for a lost time that happened somewhere!!..Is this the price we're going to pay on the alter of development??..I wonder!!..
"Whenever you see a casino you will see a depression in the city"
I am not agree with you, it depends on the game culture of the country. What was Monte-Carlo before the casino? A small rocky coast near Italy with a poor prince. And now, aren't they happy?
It could be a bad thing for Jordan. But there is many examples where a Casino bring money and employment to locals such as casino in Indian reserves in the USA.
I think the most important thing is how it is managed. Maybe it could be forbidden to locals like in Egypt. You can also forbidden the entrance to game-addicts.
- Arebn't you aware of the negative social and economical concerns of opening a casino in the Dead Sea?
- American indian "tribal casino" operations and their governing systems have completely destroyed all aspects of democratic governance, with the result that the entire casino enterprise has corrupted nationwide American Indian self-government.
This area desperately needs an economic development strategy. Nobody disputes that. But let's be smart about it, not desperate.
Let's be thoughtful and strategic, not careless. Simply put, a casino in Jordan is NOT a sound economic development strategy.
Casino gamblong will destroy our community.
Our community's future lies in developing that which renders us unique, not in copying casino gambling efforts that have failed so many other cities.
I think Las Vegas is a great place.
Just one more thing in Jordan that should not be here.
There are plenty of Off-licence Liquor stores in Jordan, doing busy and brisk business with the locals.
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