Abdali project came as a project to lead the transformation of the New Ammaan. It introduced some high rise buildings in the heart of Amman. The location of the project was criticized by many consultants due to it's location and size, and how it's transforming Amman besides problems in traffic and congesstions.
The model shows more high rise buildings being added to the project. There are many surprises that's shapping our city Amman and it's future.
Is everything being already planned and bought?
I see the motive behind these new high rises is to gain more money since the price of the land with a high rise have more value than without. The new expansion strategy of Amman came to regulate the location of high rise buildings in Amman especially after seeing Jordan gate at the 6th circle, but, I have doubts now that the new planning strategy were targeted to our citizens and not to the foreign investors who can buy and build anything, anywhere.
Is that true? I hope not
The new expansion strategy did not help us in re-imagining the Amman. It was just a proposal for the real estate brokers in this country to buy more lands and get richer.
If we need to develop Amman we need to start from what's already been done, fix it, make it more livable before we expand.
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Is is a true photo, showing the reality of the project ?
It looks like far away from the original project ! Where is the American University ? The memorial of King Husseïn ? The National Librairy ?
How many towers in the projects for the moment ? Do you have an exemple of tower'project which is approoved ? (Like The Tower of Al Abdali by Foster Architecture)
This photo is it the final project ?
Thanks !
I know the American University have been remooved ,but, not sure about the memorial, or the library.
They recently introduced a new downtown for Amman covering the area arround the late king Abdullah the 1st and the Court house.
I will try to post som eof the available projects.
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