So do we SMILE enough? Why not?
I noticed once I don't smile enough and it makes me look and feel serious even when I am not, and it reflects on my general mood. It's a facial impression that sometimes you don't realize how it reflects positioning yourself to others, and reflects on your general mood. I knew it's wrong so I decided to smile. But how? Call me a wacko but I started to smile as much as i can even while I am alone and for no reason, try to smile now for no reason, how do you feel. Smiling is a habit that you can control and develop, since it's related to muscles practicing smiling will make you easily smile, even sometimes involuntary.
I do the same when I Sing, Laugh, and Dance ...
Next time when you see me smiling for no reason don't worry I am not weired I am just practicing to SMILE.
Emad...this is dangerous!
if u start to smile alone and get caught.. they will have other thoughts abt ur mind intactness :)) lool
Indeed amman is a dull city in tht regard,, ppl are always kishreen... mish Serious,, LA LA..NAKAD ASLI min el akhir!
i know what a serious face means and looks,, hadol el nasss elly bibayno serious, bitla2ee fee malami7 tanyeh bti3kis inno momkin yekonoo momkin yed7ako later on,, bas jama3etna,, Nakad o kasharah bti26a3 el rizi2!!
i have no idea what should be done here to make ppl smile or at least walk in the streets at ease,, relax their facial expression muscles a bit!
Suggest a Botox Injection for every Kishir!
by the way,, there is a study about why ppl are so dull looking in here and walk as if there have just woke up from bed...its the Vit B12 defeciency!! 40% of jordanina adults suffer a mild-severe degree of it...its worth mentioning tht low levels of B12 cause nervous system and muscular system to malfunction!!!
فتأمل يا رعاك الله
Expert ppl n Sociology relate such kinds of general character n one part 2 the original ENVIRONMENT of the places..4 ex, countries of frequently occurring earthquakes or any sudden natural disasters like Rome or Greek have a dreamy highly imaginative minds, as these unexpected sudden events generated the myths abt hidden forces & angry or happy GODS ....& there z no doubt how the civilization of these 2 countries were rich with such stories that eventually created creative poets, writers, artists & philosophers ...
Likewise , the existence of water resources & greenery n other counties , the more relaxed daily life have its impact on Syrian & Lebanon ppl 4.ex ; the behavior of going out 2 the beach or going 4 "Sairan" all affect the daily easy going interaction & the general happy mood ...Again ppl of the desert , the arid environments , never used 2 live on their ease, & never faced any rich or non-monotones views 2 get inspired or 2 smile, they only care seriously abt their tough survival, the silent desert teaches patience , maybe wisdom but most importantly seriousness… simply compare Mecca ppl with Madina or Jeddah ppl, & likewise compare all gulf ppl with Lebanese ppl ..Even the weather of the gr8 city of London, & despite its joyous civic & natural destinations, has a dominant gloomy attitude among its citizens, ppl really smiles there when they finally have a SUNNY DAY.. Therefore, in addition 2 the sad war history of the area & the gr8 grief of the LOSS that never dies,, Amman z a semi arid land ,& this has clearly an impact on ppl ….
Anyway, I'd find a reason 2 smile remembering somebody z out there smiling 4 no reason :)
Thats a good scientific fact and maybe we can start spice our food with Vitamin B12 instead of Jordanian domestic sheep fat "El-Samneh elbalady"
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