"A volunteer is someone who serves in a community or for the benefit of natural environment primarily because they choose to do so. Many serve through a non-profit organization – sometimes referred to as formal volunteering, but a significant number also serve less formally, either individually or as part of a group. Because these informal volunteers are much harder to identify, they may not be included in research and statistics on volunteering.
By definition, a volunteer worker does not get paid or receive compensation for services rendered."
Volunteering is cultural. It’s sort of democracy, when someone participate in his community, serving the country, and working side by side with the governments, they share the responsibility as a citizen.
Volunteering can build better societies, make people love each other. Sharing common causes and interests, and filling the free time with useful activities. Volunteering make you an active part of the city, shaping it and participating in it’s development.
Unfortunately, I don’t see it active in our culture. Why? Can we start thinking about considering it as part of our culture?
How to volunteer?
We can start this campaign by creating a weekly list of volunteering opportunities in Jordan. Send us an e-mail and we will distribute it to the members and post it on regular basics. We can use this website www.volunteermatch.org
Related posts:
I would really like to volunteer in Amman while I am there this summer/fall. I would love an suggestions, I am finding it hard to find opportunities over the internet and telephone... I tried using the Volunteer Match site but haven't been able to find the Jordan listings... thank you so much for your time!
i would like to volunteer in amman
am syrian student study in amman .
my email is shawaf6@yahoo.com
You can volunteer at the RSCOE (Road Safety center of excellence)
A non for profit center run by Hekmat road safety in Cooperation with Greater Amman Municipality, and German Jordanian University.
For interview call 0796456115
Good luck
I am an Australian in Amman for several months and looking for a volunteer opportunity. I have a background working in construction and I am a qualified carpenter. Please email me with any suggestions: gubhart@yahoo.com.au
Thanks very much!
I'm a French/Algerian/Spanish in Amman for 2 months. I am a businessman here but have background in tennis (teaching it as well), media, international politics, teaching french or english, and running children's camps.
I am more than available to spend time volunteering.
Please email me at sdufils@gmail.com for suggestions.
Thank you!
Salam Voice of Amman,
I agree with 100% regarding the need for a new vision in Amman's streets. Especially when the ppl who walk on the streets/sidewalks are always at risk due to the flow of cars! Thank you for ur blog. we must do something regarding this prob. any ideas?
regarding volunteering work, i'm searching the net since 3 hours and still have no idea what to do and where to go.
if u or any reader have any tips, plz email me : asma_h_j@hotmail.com
Best wishes,
Hi Asma
Thanks for your nice comments.
I recommend that you volunteer with something you love to do. It could be a cause or something with a meaning for you.
I see that you are interested about the pedestrian safety so I recommend to try Hikmat Road Safety ( NGO ). They build pedestrian safe projects and they might be looking for volunteers. www.hikmat.org you can also check a new volunteering community in Jordan www.nakhweh.com
Good luck and let me know how did it go
I would love to go to Jordan for the final week of June this year to volunteer. Could you give me any contact details of organizations that work with the poor?
Massa ilkhair, may i ask were could i volunteer in ramadan?
But i need places that gives a certificate when i'm done.
If you can help in anyway please contact me
Sarra Alafghani.
Hey I would like to volunteer in Jordan-Amman , I'm a study who studies at JUST .. That's my email mais_almasri9@hotmail.com , looking forward for you reply :)
Hi ,I would love to volunteer .. I'm a student who lives in Jordan-amman .. That's my email Mais_almasri9@hotmail.com
Looking forward for your reply :)
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