The US have been promoting for anti-smoking campaigns in public places in most of it's states. Smoking in restaurants, parks, clubs, coffee shops, offices, museums, or any indoor or public closed space is prohibited. We all know the danger of smoking to our health and the environment and I am not gonna list them here.
What about the coffee shops serving argellieh? I am not asking for closing them. Some cities in the region like Riyhad prohibited argilleh inside the city where you must drive about 30 min. to find a coffee shop that serves arghelleah.
We need to prohibit smoking in publis spaces, and inside buildings to protect our health, and protect our city clean environment.
This is a social environmental responsibility that we need to work together to maximiza the impact of the campaigns prohibiting smoking.
Weightlifter backs campaign to kick tobacco out of Jordanian sport, Jordan Times
Anti-Smoking.org & Smokefree America - National anti-tobacco group
ASH - Action on Smoking and Health UK
It's also a behavioral attitude problem, young ppl n Jordan r so obsessed in following whatever considered a trend or a fashion. For instance, there z this notion around that girls who smokes Argileh 4 ex. looks more stylish, modern & trendy,,, & it's really so amazing the number of smoking girls one get 2 c n Cafes & Restaurants, & the more interesting thing z how Argilleh z considered socially accepted compared 2 cigarettes, though & up 2 my knowledge, Argilleh z much harmful than ordinary smoking…
I always get shocked how easily females r giving up their feminine soft look & delicate appearance 4 the sake of a dark & cloudy smoke…
I never seen this in any country in this world that Smoking is considered trendy or modern. This shows how ignorant and uncivilized we became. I wish it's only a trend and not a Habit.
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