January 9, 2008

Toward improving the transportation system and decreasing car emission

To improve the transportation system and minimizing old vehicles emission. They can now be replaced with new ones with exempted or reduced taxes, according to an article published at the Jordan times newspaper today.

Cabinet endorses exemptions for mini-buses

AMMAN (Petra) - Owners of mini-buses that have passed their operational age can now purchase a new vehicle that will be exempted from customs tariffs in return for scrapping two old small cars, under a decision taken by the Cabinet on Tuesday. In addition, they will pay a reduced sales tax of 7 per cent. The decision, which does not apply to investment companies, was taken in line with the country’s strategy to replace old passenger mini-buses with safer, newer ones, in a bid to improve the transport system. During their weekly session yesterday, the Cabinet also decided to reduce the sales tax on locally manufactured transport vehicles to 4 per cent. In addition, the Council of Ministers decided to exempt passenger vehicles, which are re-exported to be replaced with newer ones, from income and service tax.

Type rest of the post here


nasimjo said...

btw, this law has been there ever since 2003!

Surprise surprise, ha!

Amman Voice said...

So it took them 5 years to endorse the law. Why everything moves so slow here?