Car free events are catching on around the world
Imagine Amman City without cars?
When the cars are away, kids will play, people will know each other more, and live their city. Every Sunday, more than a million people crowd the streets of Bogotá, Colombia to bike, walk, skate and celebrate. Starting shortly after dawn, residents and visitors have the run of a 70 mile network of streets that span the city. There are activities for people of all ages and inclinations; everything from a two hundred person cardio session to food vendors hawking savory treats. What is it? It's called Ciclovía, and it's catching on around the world.
More and more, cities are embracing Ciclovía-style temporary street closures as a simple way to make public spaces and communities amenable to healthy lifestyles and happy neighbors. And Amman is missing alot!
We need to introduced car-free days on some areas in Amman. To have a tradition to continue with a Ciclovía-style street. To have an event that will attract many new community partners, sparked excitement in the neighborhood, and can shape up to be a huge success for the city.
Also, introduce a Street Block celebration to bring a whole new kind of life to streets around the city. In addition to allowing neighbors to get to know one another and enjoy their street car-free. Street Block celebration in Amman City will help residents imagine what a safer, greener, more livable block might look like, and then tell them how they can make it a reality.
We need to start an initiative that comes from the neighbors and communities supported by higher authorities, community associations, or GAM itself to arrange some pilot Street Block celebration in Amman City.
If you have ideas for other car-free programming, or are interested in helping out with these types of events lets talk, email Emad Salameh @
When the cars are away, kids will play, people will know each other more, and live their city. Every Sunday, more than a million people crowd the streets of Bogotá, Colombia to bike, walk, skate and celebrate. Starting shortly after dawn, residents and visitors have the run of a 70 mile network of streets that span the city. There are activities for people of all ages and inclinations; everything from a two hundred person cardio session to food vendors hawking savory treats. What is it? It's called Ciclovía, and it's catching on around the world.
More and more, cities are embracing Ciclovía-style temporary street closures as a simple way to make public spaces and communities amenable to healthy lifestyles and happy neighbors. And Amman is missing alot!
We need to introduced car-free days on some areas in Amman. To have a tradition to continue with a Ciclovía-style street. To have an event that will attract many new community partners, sparked excitement in the neighborhood, and can shape up to be a huge success for the city.
Also, introduce a Street Block celebration to bring a whole new kind of life to streets around the city. In addition to allowing neighbors to get to know one another and enjoy their street car-free. Street Block celebration in Amman City will help residents imagine what a safer, greener, more livable block might look like, and then tell them how they can make it a reality.
We need to start an initiative that comes from the neighbors and communities supported by higher authorities, community associations, or GAM itself to arrange some pilot Street Block celebration in Amman City.
If you have ideas for other car-free programming, or are interested in helping out with these types of events lets talk, email Emad Salameh @

Street closed in San Francisco
One more idea comming from western urban politics... Does it mean that Amman hasn't any particular idendity ?
Please stop all those errors...and listen to your city, to its inhabitants and you will find who's Amman, what does it need or not ! This is the first step to do...if you don't want to put your vision (what you learn in other countries and what you want to do, without listening to the inhabitants wants and needs) on this city, which is going more and more far away from what it really was before those ideas coming from elsewhere were import in Amman...
To make a summary :
GC - You sound very sensetive to the transformation that Amman is experiencing. However, not everything is transforming into the wrong, there are some good transformations. Moreover, importing what's good from the west and adapting it to our cultures is not bad at All. What's wrong with having a friendly car free streets where people can walk and enjoy the city at the time that walking a pedestrian and experiencing the city is demenishing.
I believe Amman is a very ugly city, it lacks propper roads, cycling tracks, pavements, parks, fountains. (how much does it realy cost to have a real fountain on the 7th circle instead of that very ugly Guantanamo Bay monument)
We have companies in residential neighborhoods, we are bringing down old houses that have a characted to build new concrete buildings.
The whole 7th circle is a mess, like many other development areas.... They spent millions from our empty pockets to build non functional tunnels and create more problems.
What I don't understand is how we the citizens who pays for these projects never speak or participate in giving our opinion for any development in the city?
Imagine if the 6th circle neighbours objected building the Jordan towers. You won't see them, same thing with the coffee shops or businesses invading our residential neighbourhoods?
I know Ali ... but, lets all try making a difference. There is always a room for everyone of us to do something. Maybe our children will enjoy it better.
Hello guys,
I am thinking of going to amman to live but so far I failed to obtain some information of how it is to live in Amman, Hows the city, and specially whats the day life like.
I also wonder how expensive is life and how much money you need to live?stuff like day life expenses!like milk, bread, meat, renting a house, etc....
I hope you can help me..
I have my own perseption to Amman it's people, culture and environment.
Let me write post your questione to hear some answers.
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