Mourners stand at the fresh grave of Huthaifa Salaheen, the only son of a blind father, who was hit by a speeding car in the first week of February in the town of Yarqa, near Salt, while accompanying his father, a schoolteacher, to the mosque. He was proclaimed dead Thursday morning after 17 days in a coma. The tragic death of Huthaifa fuelled a public outcry against road accidents that killed more than 7,000 people and injured 175,000 in the past decade
انّا لله و انّا اليه راجعون
I am so sorry to hear about this.A blind's man only,that must have went out of his way to help his father.
What a tragedy.We all need to pray for the father who is grieving so,I do hope there is somebody that wll comfort him as he grievs.And the son's mother and his whole family needs our prayers
I meant to say a only son,I wonder if he has daughters.
A father sits in complete darkness and grieves.
I had a chance to meet Dr. Abdulkareem alsalaheen ( abu Hutheifah) last weekend. He had someone to help him and he was a very talkative and well rounded person. God bless him and his family. I was so happy to know that he knew about Amman voice blog posting about the death of his son Hutheifah, god bless him.
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